Contributions of Women to Philosophy of Science: A Bibliometric Analysis

Chapter Author(s) Evelyn Brister, Daniel J. Hicks
Book/Edited Volume TitleThe Routledge Handbook of Feminist Philosophy of Science
Editor(s)Sharon Crasnow; Kristen Intemann
AbstractWomen have made significant contributions to the philosophy of science, even though they made up a small percentage of philosophers of science in the 20th century. This bibliometric study identifies author gender for most philosophy of science book chapter and journal articles between 1930 and 2010. We find that the percentage of women grew from less than 2% of authors before 1950 to at least 17% of authors today. In addition to identifying influential women researchers, research topics, and professional roles, this chapter surveys techniques used to improve inclusivity, and it identifies reasons why social diversity is valuable to the development of the field of philosophy of science.
KeywordsPhilosophy of science, HOPOS, bibliometrics, citations, gender, journals, academic institutions, topic modeling, feminist critiques
Date Published 2020
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