Legitimizing Blacks in Philosophy

Author(s)Jameliah Shorter-Bourhanou
JournalJournal of World Philosophies
AbstractIn its efforts toward improving diversity, the discipline of philosophy has tended to focus on increasing the number of black philosophers. One crucial issue that has received less attention is the extent to which black philosophers are delegitimized in the discipline because their philosophical contributions challenge the status quo. A systematic problem that bars black philosophers from equal and full participation, this delegitimization precludes the emergence of genuine diversity and reveals the importance of interrogating broader attitudes toward black philosophical contributions. In this essay, I argue for radical systematic changes to disciplinary hallmarks of professionalization such as pedagogy, mentoring, publishing, and hiring practices with the aim of legitimizing black philosophers and their contributions.
KeywordsBlack Philosopher, Black Women in Philosophy, Race, Philosophy, Racism in Philosophy, Africana Philosophy
Date Published December 15, 2017
Google Scholar Linkhttps://scholar.google.ca/scholar?cluster=13252200519434955254&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5
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