Models and Values: Why Did New Zealand Philosophy Departments Stop Hiring Women Philosophers?

Chapter Author(s) Adriane Rini
Book/Edited Volume TitleWomen in Philosophy: What Needs to Change?
Editor(s)Katrina Hutchison; Fiona Jenkins
AbstractBetween 2005 and 2011, New Zealand philosophy departments appointed 17 men but only one woman. My interest in this paper is how well-intentioned philosophers in spite of an interest in supporting women in philosophy, nonetheless, can end up with a 17:1 hiring ratio in just six years. The paper explores various factors — some ‘external’ to philosophy, others ‘internal’ –– that contribute to and perpetuate our hiring practices.
KeywordsGender, Philosophy Hiring, Quantitative Research Assessment Exercises
Date Published November 21, 2013
PublisherOxford University Press
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Open Access?No

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