Sages and Cranks: The Difficulty of Identifying First-Rate Philosophers

Chapter Author(s) Katrina Hutchison
Book/Edited Volume TitleWomen in Philosophy: What Needs to Change?
Editor(s)Katrina Hutchison; Fiona Jenkins
AbstractWhy are women underrepresented in philosophy? Meditating on Quine’s comment that the “separation of philosophers into sages and cranks seems to be more sensitive to frames of reference [than in other disciplines]” this paper explores the possibility that part of the explanation might be the way that philosophers establish their credibility. The argument draws on philosophical work on the nature of expertise, as well as Miranda Fricker’s work on epistemic injustice.
Keywordswomen in philosophy, credibility, feminist epistemology, expertise, authority, philosophical pedagogy, philosophical methods
Date Published 2013
PublisherOxford University Press
Google Scholar Link,28
Open Access?No

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